Source code for cvxRiskOpt.wass_risk_opt_pb

cvxRiskOpt: Risk-Based Optimization tool using CVXPY and CVXPYgen
Copyright (C) 2024  Sleiman Safaoui

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CVXPY-based data-driven optimization problems that compute risk metrics.

We implement some results from:
"Data-driven distributionally robust optimization using the Wasserstein metric: 
    Performance guarantees and tractable reformulations"
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number
from cvxpy.problems.problem import Problem as CVXPYProb
from cvxpy.utilities.deterministic import unique_list
from typing import Union

[docs] class WassWCEMaxAffine(CVXPYProb): """ Wasserstein Worst Case Expectation Problem with Max of Affine Terms. This class implements a generic solution for Cor 5.1 (i), eq (15a) with affine loss functions: .. math:: \\ell = \\max_k \\{ \\langle a_k, \\xi \\rangle + b_k \\} where - xi (m x 1): the random variable for which we have samples - a_k (m x 1): a vector that is either a constant vector or a scalar times a decision variable (cvxpy affine expression) - b_k (1 x 1): a scalar or a 1-dimensional cvxpy affine expression - :math:`\\langle \\cdot, \\cdot \\rangle` is the inner product .. note:: Currently, this is only implemented for the 1-, 2-, and inf-norm cases. Arguments: ---------- num_samples: int: The number of samples. a_k_list: Number | array_like A list of vectors that are either constant vectors or scalars times a decision variable. b_k_list: array_like A list of scalars or 1-dimensional cvxpy affine expressions. support_C: np.ndarray, optional The support matrix C. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space. support_d: np.ndarray, optional The support vector d. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space. used_norm: int | np.inf, optional The norm to be used. Either 1, 2, or infinity (np.inf). Default is 2. vp_suffix: str, optional The suffix for the variable/parameter names. """ instance_counter = 0 def __init__(self, num_samples: int, a_k_list: list, b_k_list: list = None, support_C=None, support_d=None, used_norm=2, vp_suffix: str = None) -> None: # choose the cp variable and parameter suffix WassWCEMaxAffine.instance_counter += 1 if vp_suffix is None: vp_suffix = "_wwcema" + str(WassWCEMaxAffine.instance_counter) # number of samples self._num_samples = num_samples # # loss function terms # if a_k_list is None or a_k_list == []: # raise ValueError('Problem statement error: a_k_list must be non-empty') self._a_k_list = a_k_list self._K = len(self._a_k_list) if isinstance(self._a_k_list[0], Number): # a_k is just a number self._m = 0 else: self._m = self._a_k_list[0].shape[0] if self._a_k_list[0].shape else 0 # TODO: consider adding some logic to check if all values of a_k are similar in type/dimension # raise ValueError('a_k_list error: all value must be of the same dimension') self._b_k_list = b_k_list if b_k_list is not None else [] # if self._b_k_list: # if isinstance(self._b_k_list[0], Number): # b_k is just a number # b_dim = 0 # else: # b_dim = self._b_k_list[0].shape[0] if self._b_k_list[0].shape else 0 # TODO: consider adding some logic to check if all values of a_k are similar in type/dimension # raise ValueError('b_k_list error: all value must be of the same dimension') if self._b_k_list and len(self._b_k_list) != self._K: raise ValueError('Dimension missmatch: b_k_list must either be empty or of the same dimension as a_k_list.') # # TODO: add some type checking to make sure that a_k and b_k terms are cst or cvxpy affine expressions # # and of the right dimensions # Random variable support: Xi = {xi | C xi <= d} self._C, self._d = support_C, support_d if support_C is not None and support_d is not None: self._use_gamma = True self._d_size = len(self._d) elif support_C is None and support_d is None: self._use_gamma = False else: raise ValueError('Random variable support error: Both C and d must be set.') # norm selection self._used_norm = used_norm if self._used_norm == 2: self._dual_norm = 2 elif self._used_norm == 1: self._dual_norm = np.inf elif self._used_norm == np.inf: self._dual_norm = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError('Chosen norm not supported.') # Optimization variables due to problem reformulation self._lam = cp.Variable(name='lam' + vp_suffix) # dual problem lambda variable self._s = cp.Variable(self._num_samples, name='s' + vp_suffix) # epigraph auxiliary variables if self._use_gamma: # gamma terms s.t. gamma @ (d - C @ sample) self._gamma = [cp.Variable((self._K, self._d_size), name='gamma_' + str(i) + vp_suffix) for i in range(self._num_samples)] # Parameters self._eps = cp.Parameter(name='eps' + vp_suffix) # Wasserstain ball radius # Random variable samples if self._m > 0: self._samples = cp.Parameter([self._num_samples, self._m], name='samples' + vp_suffix) elif self._m == 0: self._samples = cp.Parameter([self._num_samples, ], name='samples' + vp_suffix) else: raise ValueError('m should be >= 0, but that is not the case.') self._obj = self._def_opt_pb_obj() self._constr = self._def_opt_pb_contr() super().__init__(self._obj, self._constr) def _def_opt_pb_obj(self): """ defines the objective function :return: """ # Optimization Objective return cp.Minimize(self._lam * self._eps + 1 / self._num_samples * cp.sum(self._s)) def _def_opt_pb_contr(self): """ defines the constraints :return: """ constraints = [] for i in range(self._num_samples): for k in range(self._K): # b_k + a_k @ xi_i + gamma_ik @ (d - C xi_i) <= s_i lhs1 = 0 if self._b_k_list: lhs1 += self._b_k_list[k] a_k = self._a_k_list[k] samp = self._samples[i] if self._m > 1: lhs1 += a_k @ samp else: lhs1 += a_k * samp if self._use_gamma: if self._m > 1: lhs1 += self._gamma[i][k, :] @ (self._d - self._C @ samp) else: lhs1 += self._gamma[i][k, :] @ (self._d - np.squeeze(self._C) * samp) constraints += [lhs1 <= self._s[i]] # dual_norm{C @ gamma_ik - a_k} <= lambda if self._use_gamma: lhs2 = self._C.T @ self._gamma[i][k, :] - a_k else: lhs2 = -a_k constraints += [cp.norm(lhs2, self._dual_norm) <= self._lam] # gamma_ik >= 0 if self._use_gamma: constraints += [self._gamma[i] >= 0] return constraints
# TODO: consider implementing some operators.
[docs] def update_wass_wce_params(prob, eps, samples) -> None: """ Update the parameters associated with the WassWCEMaxAffine problem. Arguments: ---------- prob: WassWCEMaxAffine: WassWCEMaxAffine problem eps: int: Wasserstein ball radius samples: np.ndarray: Data samples """ for par in prob.param_dict.keys(): if 'eps' in par: prob.param_dict[par].value = eps if 'samples' in par: prob.param_dict[par].value = samples return
[docs] class WassDRExpectation(WassWCEMaxAffine): """ Provides a high-level implementation of the DR Expectation with a Wasserstein-based ambiguity set. Implements .. math:: \\sup_{\\mathbb{P} \\in \\mathcal{P}} \\quad \\mathbb{E}^\\mathbb{P} \\left[ \\langle a, \\xi \\rangle + b \\right] where :math:`a, b` may contain decision variables and :math:`\\langle \\cdot, \\cdot \\rangle` is the inner product. Arguments: ---------- num_samples: int: The number of samples. a: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression: The "a" term in :math:`\\langle a, xi \\rangle + b`. b: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, optional" The "b" term in :math:`\\langle a, xi \\rangle + b`. If not assigned, 0 is used. support_C: np.ndarray, optional The support matrix C. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space. support_d: np.ndarray, optional The support vector d. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space. used_norm: int | np.inf, optional The norm to be used. Either 1, 2, or infinity (np.inf). Default is 2. vp_suffix: str, optional The suffix for the variable/parameter names. """ instance_counter = 0 def __init__(self, num_samples: int, a: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, b: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression = 0, support_C=None, support_d=None, used_norm=2, vp_suffix=None): WassDRExpectation.instance_counter += 1 if vp_suffix is None: vp_suffix = "_wdre" + str(WassDRExpectation.instance_counter) if b == 0: b = [] a = [a] super().__init__(num_samples, a, b, support_C, support_d, used_norm, vp_suffix=vp_suffix) def _problems_match(self, other) -> bool: if self._used_norm != other._used_norm: raise NotImplementedError("Norms are different") elif self._num_samples != other._num_samples: raise NotImplementedError("Number of samples is different") elif self._C != other._C or self._d != other._d: raise NotImplementedError("Supports are different") return True # TODO: might be a good idea to check that the params used by both problems (xi and eps) are the same def __add__(self, other) -> Union["WassDRExpectation", "CVXPYProb", "WassDRCVaR"]: if other == 0: return self elif isinstance(other, WassDRExpectation): # DR-E + DR-E --> just add a and b terms if problems match if self._problems_match(other): a = self._a_k_list[0] + other._a_k_list[0] b1 = self._b_k_list[0] if self._b_k_list else 0 b2 = other._b_k_list[0] if other._b_k_list else 0 b = b1 + b2 return WassDRExpectation(self._num_samples, a, b, self._C, self._d, self._used_norm) else: raise NotImplementedError() elif isinstance(other, WassWCEMaxAffine): if self._problems_match(other): a_expect = self._a_k_list[0] b_expect = self._b_k_list[0] if self._b_k_list else 0 a_list_new = [a_expect + a_k_other for a_k_other in other._a_k_list] if b_expect == 0 and (not other._b_k_list): # no b terms in either problem b_list_new = None elif b_expect == 0: # no b in DR-E. b term in other only b_list_new = other._b_k_list elif not other._b_k_list: # b in DR-E only. no b term in other b_list_new = [b_expect for _ in other._a_k_list] else: # b terms in both b_list_new = [b_expect + b_other for b_other in other._b_k_list] if isinstance(other, WassDRCVaR): return WassDRCVaR(other._num_samples, other._m, a=None, a_k_list=a_list_new, b_k_list=b_list_new, alpha=other._alpha, support_C=other._C, support_d=other._d, used_norm=other._used_norm) else: return WassWCEMaxAffine(num_samples=other._num_samples, a_k_list=a_list_new, b_k_list=b_list_new, support_C=other._C, support_d=other._d, used_norm=other._used_norm) else: raise NotImplementedError() elif not isinstance(other, CVXPYProb): raise NotImplementedError() else: return CVXPYProb(self.objective + other.objective, unique_list(self.constraints + other.constraints)) def __sub__(self, other) -> Union["WassDRExpectation", "CVXPYProb"]: if isinstance(other, WassDRExpectation): if self._problems_match(other): a = self._a_k_list[0] - other._a_k_list[0] b1 = self._b_k_list[0] if self._b_k_list else 0 b2 = other._b_k_list[0] if other._b_k_list else 0 b = b1 - b2 return WassDRExpectation(self._num_samples, a, b, self._C, self._d, self._used_norm) else: raise NotImplementedError() elif not isinstance(other, CVXPYProb): raise NotImplementedError() else: CVXPYProb(self.objective - other.objective, unique_list(self.constraints + other.constraints)) def __mul__(self, other) -> "WassDRExpectation": if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise NotImplementedError() a = self._a_k_list[0] * other b = self._b_k_list[0] * other if self._b_k_list else 0 return WassDRExpectation(self._num_samples, a, b, self._C, self._d, self._used_norm) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __div__(self, other) -> "WassDRExpectation": if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise NotImplementedError() if np.abs(other) < 1e-8: # basically division by zero raise ZeroDivisionError() a = self._a_k_list[0] * (1.0 / other) b = self._b_k_list[0] * (1.0 / other) if self._b_k_list else 0 return WassDRExpectation(self._num_samples, a, b, self._C, self._d, self._used_norm) __truediv__ = __div__
# TODO: consider implementing the following # __neg__, __rsub__, __radd__
[docs] class WassDRCVaR(WassWCEMaxAffine): """ Provides a high-level implementation of the DR-CVaR with a Wasserstein-based ambiguity set. Implements .. math :: \\sup_{\\mathbb{P} \\in \\mathcal{P}} \\quad \\text{CVaR}_{\\alpha}^\\mathbb{P}\\left[ \\langle a, \\xi \\rangle + b \\right] where :math:`a, b` may contain decision variables and :math:`\\langle \\cdot, \\cdot \\rangle` is the inner product. :math:`\\alpha` is the CVaR level (average in alpha * 100% of the worst/highest cases) Alternatively, this can also implement the CVaR reformulated form as a max of two affine terms: .. math :: \\sup_{\\mathbb{P} \\in \\mathcal{P}} \\quad \\mathbb{E}^{\\mathbb{P}} \\max_{k \\in \\{1, 2\\}} \\left[ \\langle a_k, \\xi \\rangle + b_k \\right]. .. Note :: Either "a" and "b" must be passed or "a_k_list" and "b_k_list", but not both nor neither. Arguments: ---------- num_samples: int: The number of samples. xi_length: int: Size of a sample. If :math:`\\xi` is m x 1 --> xi_length = m a: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, optional: The "a" term in :math:`\\langle a, xi \\rangle + b`. If this is passed, the "b" term is expected. This should not be passed if "a_k_list" and "b_k_list" are passed. b: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, optional, optional: The "b" term in :math:`\\langle a, xi \\rangle + b`. If not assigned, 0 is used. This should not be passed if "a_k_list" and "b_k_list" are passed. a_k_list: Number | array_like, optional: A list of vectors that are either constant vectors or scalars times a decision variable. If this is passed, the "b_k_list" term is expected. This should not be passed if "a" and "b" are passed. b_k_list: array_like, optional: A list of scalars or 1-dimensional cvxpy affine expressions. This should not be passed if "a" and "b" are passed. alpha: float, optional: CVaR level (average in alpha * 100% of the worst/highest cases) support_C: np.ndarray, optional The support matrix C. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space. support_d: np.ndarray, optional The support vector d. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space. used_norm: int | np.inf, optional The norm to be used. Either 1, 2, or infinity (np.inf). Default is 2. vp_suffix: str, optional The suffix for the variable/parameter names. """ instance_counter = 0 def __init__(self, num_samples: int, xi_length: int, a: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression = None, b: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression = 0, a_k_list=None, b_k_list=None, alpha=0.1, support_C=None, support_d=None, used_norm=2, vp_suffix=None): WassDRCVaR.instance_counter += 1 if vp_suffix is None: vp_suffix = "_wdrcvar" + str(WassDRCVaR.instance_counter) self._alpha = alpha if a is None and (a_k_list is None or b_k_list is None): raise ValueError( 'Option 1: provide a (optionally b). Option 2: provided a_k_list and b_k_list. Both failed.') if a is None: super().__init__(num_samples, a_k_list, b_k_list, support_C, support_d, used_norm, vp_suffix=vp_suffix) else: tau = cp.Variable(1, name='tau' + vp_suffix) a1 = np.zeros(xi_length) a2 = a / alpha b1 = tau b2 = b / alpha + (1 - 1 / alpha) * tau a_k_list = [a1, a2] b_k_list = [b1, b2] super().__init__(num_samples, a_k_list, b_k_list, support_C, support_d, used_norm, vp_suffix=vp_suffix) def _problems_match(self, other) -> bool: if self._used_norm != other._used_norm: raise NotImplementedError("Norms are different") elif self._num_samples != other._num_samples: raise NotImplementedError("Number of samples is different") elif self._C != other._C or self._d != other._d: raise NotImplementedError("Supports are different") elif isinstance(other, WassDRCVaR) and self._C != other._alpha or self._d != other._alpha: raise NotImplementedError("CVaR alpha levels are different") return True # TODO: might be a good idea to check that the params used by both problems (xi and eps) are the same def __add__(self, other) -> Union["WassDRExpectation", "CVXPYProb", "WassDRCVaR"]: if other == 0: return self elif isinstance(other, WassDRExpectation): # DR-CVaR + DR-E special case --> call __add__ in DR-E return other + self elif not isinstance(other, CVXPYProb): raise NotImplementedError() else: return CVXPYProb(self.objective + other.objective, unique_list(self.constraints + other.constraints)) def __mul__(self, other) -> "WassDRCVaR": if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise NotImplementedError() if other <= 0: raise NotImplementedError('Multiplication is only supported with positive scalars') a_list_new = [a_k * other for a_k in self._a_k_list] b_list_new = [b_k * other for b_k in self._b_k_list] return WassDRCVaR(self._num_samples, self._m, a=None, a_k_list=a_list_new, b_k_list=b_list_new, alpha=self._alpha, support_C=self._C, support_d=self._d, used_norm=self._used_norm) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __div__(self, other) -> "WassDRCVaR": if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise NotImplementedError() if np.abs(other) < 1e-8: # basically division by zero raise ZeroDivisionError() return (1.0 / other) * self __truediv__ = __div__
# TODO: consider implementing the rest of the operators.