cvxRiskOpt package


cvxRiskOpt.cclp_risk_opt module

cvxRiskOpt.cclp_risk_opt.cclp_dro_mean_cov(eps: int | float, a: int | float | list | ndarray | Variable | Expression | None = None, b: int | float | Variable | Expression | None = None, xi1_hat: int | float | list | ndarray | Variable | Expression | None = None, xi2_hat: int | float | None = None, gam11: int | float | list | ndarray | None = None, gam12: int | float | list | ndarray | None = None, gam22: int | float | None = None, assume_sym=False, assume_psd=False, centrally_symmetric=False)[source]

Reformulates a DRO CC of the type \(\inf_{\mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}} \mathbb{P}(a^T \xi_1 + b + \xi_2 \leq 0) \geq 1-\epsilon\) where \(\mathcal{P}\) is a moment-based ambiguity set.

This function reformulates a distributionally robust optimization (DRO) chance constraint (CC) where the distribution is unknown but belongs to a moment based ambiguity set with known mean and covariance:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \xi &= [\xi_1^T \xi_2]^T \\ \text{Expect}(\xi) &= [\hat{\xi_1}^T \hat{\xi_2}]^T \\ \text{Cov}(\xi) &= \begin{bmatrix} \text{gam11} & \text{gam12} \\ \text{gam12}^T & \text{gam22} \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}\end{split}\]


epsint | float:

The epsilon risk bound in the chance constraint.

aint | float | list | np.ndarray | cp.Variable | cp.Expression, optional:

The coefficient vector/scalar “a” in the chance constraint.

bint | float | cp.Variable | cp.Expression, optional:

The scalar term “b” in the chance constraint.

xi1_hatint | float | list | np.ndarray | cp.Variable | cp.Expression, optional:

The expected value of xi1.

xi2_hatint | float, optional:

The expected value of xi2.

gam11int | float | list | np.ndarray, optional:

The covariance matrix of xi1.

gam12int | float | list | np.ndarray, optional:

The cross-covariance matrix between xi1 and xi2.

gam22int | float, optional:

The covariance matrix of xi2.

assume_symbool, optional:

Whether to assume the covariance matrix is symmetric (otherwise, it is checked).

assume_psdbool, optional:

Whether to assume the covariance matrix is positive semi-definite (otherwise, it is checked).

centrally_symmetric: bool, optional:

Flag if distribution is centrally symmetric (Def 3.1 in “On Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Linear Programs”).


cvxpy.Constraint or cp.Expression:

The reformulated deterministic chance constraint.

cvxRiskOpt.cclp_risk_opt.cclp_gauss(eps: int | float, a: int | float | list | ndarray | Variable | Expression | None = None, b: int | float | Variable | Expression | None = None, xi1_hat: int | float | list | ndarray | Variable | Expression | None = None, xi2_hat: int | float | None = None, gam11: int | float | list | ndarray | None = None, gam12: int | float | list | ndarray | None = None, gam22: int | float | None = None, assume_sym=False, assume_psd=False)[source]

Reformulates a CC of the type \(\mathbb{P}(a^T \xi_1 + b + \xi_2 \leq 0) \geq 1-\epsilon\) where the distribution is Gaussian.

This function reformulates a chance constraint (CC) where the distribution is known to be a Gaussian distribution with:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \xi &= [\xi_1^T \xi_2]^T \\ \text{Expect}(\xi) &= [\hat{\xi_1}^T \hat{\xi_2}]^T \\ \text{Cov}(\xi) &= \begin{bmatrix} \text{gam11} & \text{gam12} \\ \text{gam12}^T & \text{gam22} \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}\end{split}\]


epsint | float:

The epsilon risk bound in the chance constraint.

aint | float | list | np.ndarray | cp.Variable | cp.Expression, optional:

The coefficient vector/scalar “a” in the chance constraint.

bint | float | cp.Variable | cp.Expression, optional:

The scalar term “b” in the chance constraint.

xi1_hatint | float | list | np.ndarray | cp.Variable | cp.Expression, optional:

The expected value of xi1.

xi2_hatint | float, optional:

The expected value of xi2.

gam11int | float | list | np.ndarray, optional:

The covariance matrix of xi1.

gam12int | float | list | np.ndarray, optional:

The cross-covariance matrix between xi1 and xi2.

gam22int | float, optional:

The covariance matrix of xi2.

assume_symbool, optional:

Whether to assume the covariance matrix is symmetric (otherwise, it is checked).

assume_psdbool, optional:

Whether to assume the covariance matrix is positive semi-definite (otherwise, it is checked).


cvxpy.Constraint or cp.Expression:

The reformulated deterministic chance constraint.

cvxRiskOpt.mpc_helpers module

cvxRiskOpt.mpc_helpers.cp_var_mat_to_list(mat: Variable | Parameter, horizon: int)[source]

Converts a 1D or 2D cp.Variable/Parameter matrix to a list of cp.Variable/Parameter vectors.

Some functions, such as lin_mpc_expect_xQx, require lists or arrays of variables/parameters over time as inputs. This function splits a variable/parameter into a list of variables/parameters. e.g.

  • (3, 4) matrix where the horizon is 4 –> turns into [(3,), (3,), (3,), (3,)].

  • (3,) of horizon 1 –> turns into [(3,)]

  • (4,) where 4 is horizon –> turns into [(), (), (), ()]


mat: cp.Variable | cp.Parameter:

(m, horizon), (horizon, m), (m,), or (horizon,) cp.Variable

horizon: int:

mat horizon, e.g. MPC horizon (to identify the “horizon” dimension in mat)



List of cp.Variables or cp.Parameters

cvxRiskOpt.mpc_helpers.expect_cov_x_t(t: int, A: int | float | ndarray, B: int | float | ndarray, x0_mean: Variable | Parameter | Expression, x0_cov: ndarray, u: list, w_mean: list, w_cov: list)[source]

Computes the expressions for the expected next state \(\mathbb{E}(x_{t})\) and its covariance \(\text{Cov}(x_t)\) for a linear system \(x_{t+1} = Ax_t + Bu_t + w_t\).

The expected value and covariance are found by recursively applying the dynamics stating from an initial state \(x_0\) whose mean \(\overline{x}_0\) and covariance \(\Sigma_{x_0}\) are known. The mean \(\overline{w}\) and covariance \(\Sigma_{w}\) of the noise must also be known. The terms are computed as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \mathbb{E}(x_{t}) &= A^{t} \overline{x}_0 + \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} (A^i B u_{t-1-i} + A^i \overline{w}_{t-1-i}) \\ \text{Cov}(x_{t}) &= A^{t} \Sigma_{x_0} {A^{t}}^T + \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} (A^i \Sigma_{w_{t-1-i}} {A^i}^T) \end{align*}\end{split}\]


t: int:

Current time step for x_t (t >= 1)

A: int | float | np.ndarray:

Dynamics matrix

B: int | float | np.ndarray:

Input matrix

x0_mean: cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression:

Mean state at t=0

x0_cov: np.ndarray:

Covariance of state at t=0

u: list:

List of control decision variables

w_mean: list:

List of noise mean value

w_cov: list:

List of noise covariance values



Expected value expression of the state at time t (xt_mean)


Covariance expression of the state at time t (xt_cov)

cvxRiskOpt.mpc_helpers.lin_mpc_expect_xQx(t: int, horizon: int, A: int | float | ndarray, B: int | float | ndarray, u: list | Variable, Q: int | float | ndarray, x0_mean: Parameter | Variable | Expression, x0_cov: ndarray | None = None, w_mean: list | ndarray | None = None, w_cov: list | ndarray | None = None)[source]

Finds the expression for \(\mathbb{E}(x_t^T Q x_t)\), the weighted quadratic state cost at time \(t\).

Finds the expression for \(\mathbb{E}(x_t^T Q x_t)\) where \(x_t\) is a random variable (due to the noise) representing the state at timestep \(t\) in the MPC horizon and the dynamics are: \(x_{t+1} = Ax_t + Bu_t + w_t\).


t: int:

Control time step (starting from 0)

horizon: int:

MPC horizon length

A: int | float | np.ndarray:

Dynamics matrix

B: int | float | np.ndarray:

Input matrix

u: list | cp.Variable

List of control decision variables (or cp Variable)

Q: int | float | np.ndarray:

State cost matrix

x0_mean: cp.Parameter | cp.Variable | cp.Expression:

Mean state at \(t=0\)

x0_cov: np.ndarray, optional:

Covariance of state at \(t=0\). If not passed, assumed to be zero.

w_mean: list | np.ndarray, optional:

List of noise mean value (or single noise mean). If not passed, assumed to be zero.

w_cov: list | np.ndarray, optional:

List of noise covariance values (or single noise covar). If not passed, assumed to be zero.



Expression for \(\mathbb{E}(x_t^T Q x_t)\)


dictionary containing the expressions for the mean and covariance of the state at time \(t\) (“x_mean”, “x_cov”)

cvxRiskOpt.wass_risk_opt_pb module

class cvxRiskOpt.wass_risk_opt_pb.WassDRCVaR(num_samples: int, xi_length: int, a: int | float | Variable | Parameter | Expression | None = None, b: int | float | Variable | Parameter | Expression = 0, a_k_list=None, b_k_list=None, alpha=0.1, support_C=None, support_d=None, used_norm=2, vp_suffix=None)[source]

Bases: WassWCEMaxAffine

Provides a high-level implementation of the DR-CVaR with a Wasserstein-based ambiguity set.


\[\sup_{\mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}} \quad \text{CVaR}_{\alpha}^\mathbb{P}\left[ \langle a, \xi \rangle + b \right]\]

where \(a, b\) may contain decision variables and \(\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle\) is the inner product. \(\alpha\) is the CVaR level (average in alpha * 100% of the worst/highest cases)

Alternatively, this can also implement the CVaR reformulated form as a max of two affine terms:

\[\sup_{\mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}} \quad \mathbb{E}^{\mathbb{P}} \max_{k \in \{1, 2\}} \left[ \langle a_k, \xi \rangle + b_k \right].\]


Either “a” and “b” must be passed or “a_k_list” and “b_k_list”, but not both nor neither.


num_samples: int:

The number of samples.

xi_length: int:

Size of a sample. If \(\xi\) is m x 1 –> xi_length = m

a: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, optional:

The “a” term in \(\langle a, xi \rangle + b\). If this is passed, the “b” term is expected. This should not be passed if “a_k_list” and “b_k_list” are passed.

b: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, optional, optional:

The “b” term in \(\langle a, xi \rangle + b\). If not assigned, 0 is used. This should not be passed if “a_k_list” and “b_k_list” are passed.

a_k_list: Number | array_like, optional:

A list of vectors that are either constant vectors or scalars times a decision variable. If this is passed, the “b_k_list” term is expected. This should not be passed if “a” and “b” are passed.

b_k_list: array_like, optional:

A list of scalars or 1-dimensional cvxpy affine expressions. This should not be passed if “a” and “b” are passed.

alpha: float, optional:

CVaR level (average in alpha * 100% of the worst/highest cases)

support_C: np.ndarray, optional

The support matrix C. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space.

support_d: np.ndarray, optional

The support vector d. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space.

used_norm: int | np.inf, optional

The norm to be used. Either 1, 2, or infinity (np.inf). Default is 2.

vp_suffix: str, optional

The suffix for the variable/parameter names.

instance_counter = 0
class cvxRiskOpt.wass_risk_opt_pb.WassDRExpectation(num_samples: int, a: int | float | Variable | Parameter | Expression, b: int | float | Variable | Parameter | Expression = 0, support_C=None, support_d=None, used_norm=2, vp_suffix=None)[source]

Bases: WassWCEMaxAffine

Provides a high-level implementation of the DR Expectation with a Wasserstein-based ambiguity set.


\[\sup_{\mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}} \quad \mathbb{E}^\mathbb{P} \left[ \langle a, \xi \rangle + b \right]\]

where \(a, b\) may contain decision variables and \(\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle\) is the inner product.


num_samples: int:

The number of samples.

a: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression:

The “a” term in \(\langle a, xi \rangle + b\).

b: int | float | cp.Variable | cp.Parameter | cp.Expression, optional”

The “b” term in \(\langle a, xi \rangle + b\). If not assigned, 0 is used.

support_C: np.ndarray, optional

The support matrix C. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space.

support_d: np.ndarray, optional

The support vector d. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space.

used_norm: int | np.inf, optional

The norm to be used. Either 1, 2, or infinity (np.inf). Default is 2.

vp_suffix: str, optional

The suffix for the variable/parameter names.

instance_counter = 0
class cvxRiskOpt.wass_risk_opt_pb.WassWCEMaxAffine(num_samples: int, a_k_list: list, b_k_list: list | None = None, support_C=None, support_d=None, used_norm=2, vp_suffix: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Problem

Wasserstein Worst Case Expectation Problem with Max of Affine Terms.

This class implements a generic solution for Cor 5.1 (i), eq (15a) with affine loss functions:

\[\ell = \max_k \{ \langle a_k, \xi \rangle + b_k \}\]
  • xi (m x 1): the random variable for which we have samples

  • a_k (m x 1): a vector that is either a constant vector or a scalar times a decision variable (cvxpy affine expression)

  • b_k (1 x 1): a scalar or a 1-dimensional cvxpy affine expression

  • \(\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle\) is the inner product


Currently, this is only implemented for the 1-, 2-, and inf-norm cases.


num_samples: int:

The number of samples.

a_k_list: Number | array_like

A list of vectors that are either constant vectors or scalars times a decision variable.

b_k_list: array_like

A list of scalars or 1-dimensional cvxpy affine expressions.

support_C: np.ndarray, optional

The support matrix C. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space.

support_d: np.ndarray, optional

The support vector d. If None passed, the support is considered to be the real space.

used_norm: int | np.inf, optional

The norm to be used. Either 1, 2, or infinity (np.inf). Default is 2.

vp_suffix: str, optional

The suffix for the variable/parameter names.

instance_counter = 0
cvxRiskOpt.wass_risk_opt_pb.update_wass_wce_params(prob, eps, samples) None[source]

Update the parameters associated with the WassWCEMaxAffine problem.


prob: WassWCEMaxAffine:

WassWCEMaxAffine problem

eps: int:

Wasserstein ball radius

samples: np.ndarray:

Data samples

Module contents